Birther – another word for ‘racist’.
Past time for birthers who are members of the U.S. military to understand that they, too, must obey President Obama.
U.S. military officials tell NBC News that the U.S. Army will court martial a lieutenant colonel who refuses to deploy to Afghanistan because he considers orders from President Obama to be “illegal.”
Army doctor Lt. Col. Terry Lakin believes Obama does not meet the constitutional requirements to be president and commander-in-chief, because he believes (incorrectly) that Obama wasn’t born in the United States.
Lakin refused this week to report to Fort Campbell, KY for deployment to Afghanistan, but instead showed up at the Pentagon, where he was confronted by his brigade Commander Col. Gordon Roberts, a Vietnam Medal of Honor recipient.
Lakin was informed by Roberts that he would face court martial, and his Pentagon building pass and government laptop computer were seized. [……]
This birther creep very likely did not have an issue with a president [ who wasn’t elected but was appointedby a 5-4 Supreme Court decision] who ordered his country to invade, and occupy another country for years based on little more than a poorly thought out neocon fantasy.
I hope they throw the book at this guy.
Via Balloon Juice
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