Although the Tea Party protesters are currently claiming that their protests are non-partisan (since they were busted for having no real talking points, and the organizers imbued them with a few), are not “anti-Obama” (meaning anti-brown skin), both the lack of brown people at their protests and their signage, begs to differ. Say what they like, they are protesting for 3 reasons.
1. They HATE Obama because most of them are right at home in white sheets.
2. They lost the election, and they feel the next one slipping away from them. They are big whiney crybabies aka very sore losers.
3. Rush, Fox News, and Freedom Works have been drilling them re “wealth destruction”. These pathetic dupes are protesting because those people earning over $250,000 annually will see a slight tax increase, or a return to Clinton-era taxes. Really. I know it’s hard to fathom. Think of sheep. Bahhhhhhhh……..
Click an image below to view at a larger size. In an excellent article by Bob Cesca, he notes:
Whether intentional or not, the talkers and bloggers who appear to be driving the post-Bush crazy train, have, intentionally or not, opened up the conservative tent to some pretty unsavory and dangerous characters. And in light of what happened in Pittsburgh, are they really so sure that deliberately conflating conservatism with the radical, violent end of the ideological spectrum is such a wise strategy? Beck and the others were so shocked and disturbed that their rhetoric was being partly blamed for Pittsburgh. But that was last week. This week, they definitely seem to be sharing their tea bags with the psychotics. And such behavior can cause a serious infection. Political infection. Is what I meant.
Arianna Huffington today on the tea parties:
Those pathetic, corporate lobbyist-backed tea parties clearly didn't do the trick. They were steeped in desperation. A bitter brew of misguided outrage and good-old-fashioned hate mongering.
It's what people do when the only two ideas they have -- tax cuts and deregulation -- have been given full expression for the last 8 years and failed. Miserably.
The GOP is so devoid of any actual solutions to the many crises we are facing they find themselves grasping at the vaguest hint of a talking point or, failing that, making stuff up out of thin air. So we get Rep. Spencer Bachus saying there are 17 socialists in Congress, and Michele Bachmann warning about "re-education camps for young people," and a Fox reporter "covering" a tea party saying we need to "wake up and start fighting the fascism permeating this country."
Silly name or not, the right wingers have made this in to something that portends more than just wingnutty chatter and parties, but rather something that smells like violence.
For more info on the teabaggers, read my previous articles:
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