Stating that his goal is breaking US dependence on foreign oil , while also boosting economic growth, President-elect Obama announced the five-person team who will be responsible for achieving his energy goals. Video below.
The Energy Appointees:
Secretary of Energy: Steven Chu,the director of the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, and a Nobel prize winning physicist. Re Chu's appointment, Obama said, “His appointment should send a signal to all that this administration will value science. We will make decisions based on facts, and we understand that those facts demand bold action."
In other words, real science, not ideology, as we move in to the light and out of our caves regarding climate change and fossil fuels. ;)
EPA director: Lisa Jackson, the former commissioner of Environmental Protection for the state of New Jersey.
“Would bring to the job: Twenty years of experience as an environmental regulator and a reputation as a consensus builder. Ms. Jackson, who is a chemical engineer, brought a more policy-driven approach to New Jersey’s historically politicized Department of Environmental Protection as its commissioner. During her 33 months in that job, the state began conducting compliance sweeps to crack down on polluters in environmentally ravaged sections of Camden and Paterson, ended its controversial bear hunt and unveiled a plan to reduce carbon emissions 20 percent by 2020 and 80 percent by 2050.” - NYT
Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change ( a new White House position): Carol Browner, the former head of the EPA during the eight years of the Clinton administration. She is known to be a strong advocate of legislation to slow climate change.
Deputy Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change: Heather Zichal, currently the co-chair of the energy policy team for Obama’s transition.
White House Council on Environmental Quality: Nancy Sutley, Los Angeles Deputy Mayor for Energy and Environment.
>Ongoing List of President-Elect Obama's Cabinet Level Appointments
>President-Elect Obama Names Transition Team
>Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel?
>Obama Considering Cabinet Level Picks
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