Cooper challenges Lt. Colonel Terry Lakin,
who has refused deployment to Afghanistan [and has been court martialed] based on Lakin's discredited assertion that Obama was not born in the United States in spite of all evidence to the contrary.
It seems to me that if you are going to make such spurious accusations publicly, you ought to be willing to defend your position without hiding behind your lawyer, but then again, we are talking about a member of the Tea Party
In any case, the Birther Meme is getting very old, especially considering that even our far right wing SCOTUS has refused to hear any birther case, and other cases of military personnel refusing orders on the same basis, i.e., questioning Obama's eligibility to serve as commander-in-chief, have been dismissed. . The Tea Party faction of the G.O.P. needs to find another way to depose Obama, as that is clearly their intent evidenced by so many of their actions over the past year or so. View the video below.
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