As a progressive who strongly supports civil rights for all citizens, including those in the gay community, I was disheartened and angered when I read that President-elect Obama had chosen Pastor Rick Warren to give the invocation at his inauguration.
While I believe that I understand his intent, I disagree with it. And just because he is a democrat does not mean that I will not speak out when I believe that he is wrong.
Obama's "talking points" (fabricated by myself, and only an opinion) and my responses:
- PEBO is modeling "tolerance".
Oh, please. Why should one be tolerant of someone who is intolerant? I have zero interest in being tolerant of a viewpoint which refuses to recognize a woman's right to choose, which does not afford the same civil rights to gays as to any other citizen, and which feeds on divisiveness.
- PEBO is practicing inclusion.
Inclusiveness is all well and good, however, inclusiveness of a man who is himself not inclusive, who does not support the civil rights of the gay community, indeed, who has been active in the "ex-gay" movement, a movement which simply ignores all scientific evidence that sexuality is not a choice, is unconscionable in my eyes.
Just my two cents which I posted in the discussion on Be sure to make your voice heard also. The site is having problems with heavy traffic, so check back if you get an error page.
EDIT: They began a new discussion after 5,000+ rick warren comments swamped the service discussion. :)

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