“Wah wah wah....” That's the sound you are likely to hear these days when cruising the blogs owned by conservatives. And no, they aren't crying about the loss of the election. They are crying about how OMFG, Obama so fucking lied!
Yup. Obama lied. He still has not fucking given us that change he promised us. In point of fact, that change should have happened yesterday. After all, he has been the president elect for almost a whole damn week now!
And did ya hear, he might not be a US citizen because he fucking lied about that too. Stupid liberals are so gonna be sorry for getting him elected. Hey, we coulda had John McCain and Sarah Yummy---they would have had the damn job half done by now. I mean, look at how smart Palin is, and she can see Russia from her house. And hey, her spending sprees were good practice for governing, and Nicolle Wallace don't know nothing anyway.
Palin would let us teach fucking creationism in schools, as it should be. And school prayer would probably be allowed again. Damn, I so wish we had played the Wright card. The GOP is too fucking ethical is my opinion. That's one thing I am really gonna miss about ole W. He knew how to kick ass and ignore ethics, that boy did.
Wha's that? Never mind the AIP --- what a bunch of crap that is. Who cares if Todd wants to secede from the Union, eh? He isn't gonna run the bloody country anyway.
Wha? No, I don't think Troopergate was a big fucking deal. I would of fired that guy too. Family has got to stick together, ya know?
Anyway, gotta go. The gun shop is 40 miles away, and I am GD determined to get there before it closes. Damn Obama is gonna try to take our guns away too. Stupid wingnut. I just hope he trys.
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