I suppose it would be too much to ask that the Republicans behave like normal human beings. You know, valuing things like TRUTH, empathy, intelligence, etc.. Argh…..they are the absolute WORST I have ever seen them. From the MSM down to the Jeebus freaks on the streets, they are lying, ranting, conniving, and while it may not be politically correct to say it, I truly believe that they would rather see this country completely destroyed than see the Democrats in power. And it isn’t like they don’t understand what their party did to this country. Hell, a complete idiot could see it. Talk about the verge of destruction……
Currently, as always, in their inimitable fashion, they are running around like the proverbial chickens with their heads cut off. But, unlike those chickens, they can not stop whining, lying, squawking. This is apparently a manifestation of their inability to accept the political demise of the GOP, as evidenced by their thorough drubbing at the polls during the last two election cycles.
So anyway, the past few days have simply been the same old, same old in
A case in point could be made of Bill O’Reilly, who is now known as the the GOP’s Stalker of Liberal Bloggers.
wingnut land. Media who steps all over and out of the boundaries of intelligent discourse, and dimwitted followers who….what else but follow, of course.
O’Reilly reacted to a single comment posted by Amanda Terkel to the ThinkProgress.org blog. It happened like this.
When O’Reilly announced that he was scheduled to speak at a fundraiser for the Alexa Foundation, a group that supports rape survivors, Terkel posted the following:
TERKEL: In the past, however, O’Reilly has made controversial comments about an 18-year-old woman, Jennifer Moore, who was raped and murdered, implying that it was partially her fault. O’Reilly called her “moronic,” adding:
OREILLY: “Now Moore, Jennifer Moore, 18, on her way to college. She was 5-foot-2, 105 pounds, wearing a miniskirt and a halter top with a bare midriff. Now, again, there you go. So every predator in the world is gonna pick that up at two in the morning. She’s walking by herself on the West Side Highway, and she gets picked up by a thug. All right. Now she’s out of her mind, drunk.” source
Please note that Terkel’s post in no way criticized the Alexa Foundation, as you watch the video of O’Reilly’s producer going after Terkel.
Terkel’s own account of the ambush by O’Reilly Factor producer, and prime hitman, Jesse Watters.
Watch Olbermann’s interview of Terkel below.
And the end result? ThinkProgress.org is now conducting a campaign to end O’Reilly’s show. Whether it will be successful or not is anyone’s guess, but advertisers are reacting. Join the campaign and help to put an end to this kind of harassment by Republicans on liberals.
Meanwhile, I am bloody sick of thinking about Republicans today. Ciao. 
UPDATE NO. 3 – April 1: O’Reilly lies again, claims Think Progress smeared a rape victim, when in fact, HE smeared a rape victim. Video at TP. From ThinkProgress.org: Yesterday on The Factor, Bill O’Reilly addressed ThinkProgress in his “Reality Check” portion of the show, “a segment set up to defeat deceit.” And of course, O’Reilly proceeded to peddle deceit, claiming that “far left zealots…attacked a rape victim and her family because they asked me to speak at their fundraiser.” Wrong. We never attacked the Alexa Foundation; we simply highlighted quotes from O’Reilly that were unsympathetic towards a rape victim. O’Reilly has never explained why he implied that women who dress in a certain way or consume too much alcohol should perhaps expect to be raped and murdered. Watch last night’s segment.
UPDATE NO. 2 - March 27: Olbermann names O’Reilly “Worst Person” for his stalking of liberal blogger, Amanda Terkel.
UPDATE NO. 1 - March 27: UPS announces that it will stop advertising on the O’Reilly show due to his stalking/harassment of liberal blogger, Amanda Terkel. From
In response to our Stop Supporting The O’Reilly Harassment Machine campaign, UPS told us yesterday that it was investigating whether to continue supporting O’Reilly’s show. “We are sensitive to the type of television programming where our messages and presence are associated and continually review choices to affect future decisions,” spokeswoman Susan Rosenberg told us.
Today UPS announced it will stop advertising on O’Reilly’s show. Here is the statement UPS emailed out just moments ago:
Thank you for sending an e-mail expressing concern about UPS advertising during the Bill O’Reilly show on FOX News. We do consider such comments as we review ad placement decisions which involve a variety of news, entertainment and sports programming. At this time, we have no plans to continue advertising during this show.

Reuters/India image.
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