Newt Gingrich, advising Sarah Palin on the rehabilitation of her political career. Gag.
FYI, Mr. Gingrich, Palin is just soooo much less than you give her credit for. She is a typical redneck Republican woman with a poor education, and a penchant for talking too much and reading too little. She is not worthy of your time or anyone elses' time either. Not that I like you either, Mr. Gingrich; however, I do certainly understand that the chasm between your intellect and Palin's intellect, is oh so wide and deep.
Paul Begala, a Democratic political consultant and former Clinton Administration consultant, had this to say about Gingrich and Palin, during an interview aired on CNN:
He is trying to treat her like a serious person. She is not. OK? She is about half a whack job. She does not have the intellectual heft of Newt Gingrich or almost anyone else in the Republican Party, and I think she has proved that
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