- Fox News Watch doesn't disclose Pinkerton's role in hyping tea parties
- Contradicting other reporting, Bennett claimed intel chief opposed torture memos release
- Wallace, defender of "fair and balanced" Fox, ignores Fox's promotion of tea parties
- Fox promotion of tea parties follows years of attacking progressive demonstrators
- Media Matters: What if Fox News threw a tea party and nobody came?
- Foser: Weak tea
- Media verdict is in: Fox News driving force behind tea parties
- Scarborough repeated myth that White House requested Jesus' name be covered up
- On Hannity, North falsely claimed DHS says right-wing extremism is "number one threat to American safety"
- On the house: Fox aired 107 ads for its coverage of tea party protests over 10 days
- Fox News personalities continue to ignore Bush administration role to slam Obama DHS
- Cavuto continues Fox paranoia about DHS report
- TheHill.com reports GOP reps' attacks on DHS report without noting findings by Bush FBI
- Free from facts: CNN repeatedly misrepresented "Tax Freedom Day"
- Fox News continues with DHS freak-out even after Smith and Herridge's debunking
- Fox News anchors lash out at CNN reporter who said network "highly promoted" tea parties
- Hannity ignored payroll taxes to claim nearly 50% don't pay taxes
- Cable news caricatures immigration issue with ubiquitous footage of border-crossers
- Fox Nation, Drudge Report, CNS distortion: White House requested "Jesus" be hidden during speech
- CNN's Crowley understates Making Work Pay tax credit
- Crowley cites poll to show "fertile political ground" for tea parties, but ignores Gallup's conclusion
- Fox News' tea party coverage makes mockery of claim that network provides "straight ... news" in daytime
- "I saw it on Fox": Dozens of articles on local tea parties report Fox News had a hand in them
- "Fair and balanced" Fox News is anything but in coverage of tea parties
- Wash. Post ignores report on left-wing groups in citing claim that DHS report is "politically biased"
- Boehlert: Fox News' militia media: mainstreaming the fringe
- Conservative media freak-out: claim Obama DHS targeting conservatives in report on right-wing extremists
- Scarborough ignores Bush FBI report to claim Obama administration stoking fear
- WSJ's Moore falsely claimed Obama "never used the word 'entrepreneur' " in speech
- On Dobbs, Baker apparently falls for PA paper's April Fools' Day joke
- Memo to MSNBC: numerous Republican leaders speaking at "FNC Tax Day Tea Parties"
- Hour 3: Limbaugh falsely claims DHS report called "every mainstream conservative a right-wing extremist"
- Hour 2: More paranoia: Rush claims government union workers are trying to infiltrate tea parties
- Hosting the party: Fox aired at least 20 segments, 73 promos on "tea party" protests -- in just 8 days
- Fox News pushing questionable Spanish study on green jobs
- Beck's claim that tea parties not about Obama contradicted by Fox News' own reporting
- Hour: 1 Limbaugh on Fox tea party participants: "Of course they want [Obama] to fail!"
- Despite polling on public blaming Bush for economy, Politico predicts public will soon blame Obama
- Fox's Kelly falsely claimed that Justice Stevens hasn't "made any bones about" being a liberal
- Fox's Asman ignores findings by Bush FBI in slamming Obama for report on extremists recruiting vets
- Politico lets Gingrich attack public health insurance plan without disclosing financial ties to insurance companies
- In reporting on tea parties, CNN, MSNBC hosts target Fox News
- FBN's Payne invokes "Pirate Problem" to repeat Obama defense cut falsehood
- Hannity distorts article to hit media for crediting Obama in rescue
- Fox & Friends' Carlson failed to disclose tea party organizer's GOP ties
- Beck falsely claimed Iowa marriage ruling "is actually about going into churches"
Monday, April 13, 2009
- Examiner.com falsely claimed Obama proposing "nationalized health care"
- REPORT: Emerging Culture of Paranoia
- Fox & Friends left the "FNC" out of "FNC Tax Day Tea Parties"
- Fox News takes ownership of tea parties, and, therefore, their extremist rhetoric
- Wash. Times warns readers Pelosi will "try to confiscate" guns