Rick Santelli, the CNBC reporter who became famous for ranting on air about Obama's mortgage plan, and called homeowners who would benefit from the program "losers", was scheduled to appear on Stewart's show on Friday last.
Santelli bailed out, and Stewart proceeded to decimate Santelli and CNBC for 8+ minutes. Oh, my. Completely hilarious, and seriously BRUTAL--- the best of Jon Stewart, and a must watch!
At one point during the thorough dunning of CNBC Stewart says:
"If I had only followed CNBC's advice, I'd have a million dollars today. Provided I started with a 100 million dollars."
And from Jason Linkins:
last night, Jon Stewart basically said, "I'll see your canceling on me and RAISE you a thorough evisceration of the faux-populist bilge you've been pumping and a complete blasting of your network's credibility."
Stewart aped Santelli's newsgrabbing shouty-faced blubber from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, coyly admitting, "I have to say, I find cheap populism very arousing." And then, for eight minutes, Stewart at his arch best (with the help of the crackerjack Daily Show research team) went on an absolute tear and burned CNBC right down to the doorframes.