I hate that I have been unable to report the political news for the past two weeks. In part because I truly enjoy it, but primarily because it has been completely mind-boggling to watch the GOP as they finish themselves off via their refusal to work for their constituents and their country rather than the corporate interests who put them in office, and the party who now claims Rush Limbaugh as it's fearless leader, and Joe-the-not-a-plumber as a valued adviser (and don't even let me get started on Joe-the-freaking-loser-idiot!!).
On the other hand, I believe that it is naive to expect the GOP to work in concert with a Democratic leadership. Good for the country though it would most certainly be, the Republicans have shown complete disdain for Democrats for at least 28 years now, and during the reign of Bush-the-Fascist-King, the intensity of that disdain only grew ever larger. The Republican party with whom we often managed to find consensus in the distant past, is gone. In it's place is a a theo-fascist amalgam which seeks to serve only itself and corporate interests. That amalgam, combined with their unwillingness to live up to their original credo, and go for fiscal restraint, makes them a very out-dated, and dangerous force in this country, and yet still a force with which we must deal, until they go the way of the Whig party. More on the dealing with the Repubs in a later post.
At this point, the GOP has become, through it's own doing, nothing more than a regional fringe party for the wealthy, and the stupid, with common ground in their worship of theocratic values, social absence, and civil inequality. These people are not our partners or friends, in fact, they demonize and disdain everything even approaching liberal thought. We must make sure that they are even further marginalized and made completely irrelevant prior to the 2010 elections. We can not afford not to.
Frank Rich/NYT on Michael Steele:
Steele’s argument against the stimulus package is that “in the history of mankind” no “federal, state or local” government has ever “created one job.” As it happens, among the millions of jobs created by the government are the federal investigators now pursuing Steele for alleged financial improprieties in his failed 2006 Senate campaign.