UPDATE No. 1 - 1:06 PM: First to cave: Gov. Sanford Hedges of South Carolina says "being against the plan doesn't preclude taking the money." Make me laugh, GOP losers. Really the hypocrisy of the GOP pols is positively hysterical!
:: Let me be clear. They have not yet rejected it outright, they are currently just making NOISE. Led by Bobby Jindahl of Lousiana, these govs think that the citizens of their states don't need or want the money.
My opinion? These guys are clearly not working for their constituents, but hey, you voted the idiots in to office, and you continue to support GOP IDIOCY. Take that however you like. LMAO in Michigan. From HUFFPOST:
U.S. Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., the No. 3 House Democrat, said the governors _ some of whom are said to be eyeing White House bids in 2012 _ are putting their own interests first.
"No community or constituent should be denied recovery assistance due to their governor's political ideology or political aspirations," Clyburn said Wednesday.
» Update to The House Republicans Celebrate Their Failure
» The House Republicans Celebrate Their Failure
» Conservatives Call GOP Stimulus Strategy "braindead"
» President Obama Signs the Stimulus Bill - Video of Speech and Signing
» President Obama Signs the Stimulus Bill - Transcript of Remarks