Bush speechwriter, David Frum: GOP "leaders cocoon themselves, refuse to hear unwelcome news, and reward yesmanship." Amen.
This is more than obvious to those of us on the left, Mr. Frum. The problem is not just with your leaders however, your far right-wing/evangelical followers suffer from the same lack of ability to self-examine, and their ability to see and tell the truth appears to be at an all-time low. And, that is putting it in very polite terms. From NewMajority:
Our party has been crippled by an all-pervading assumption at the center that if you just don’t talk about bad news, it will go away: whether it’s an extravagant wardrobe decision - or a bad job creation record. Our leaders cocoon themselves, refuse to hear unwelcome news, and reward yesmanship.
Image source: Wikimedia Commons