►Eric Holder to be named Obama's attorney general [Holder was Clinton's deputy attorney general], and thus the first Aftrican-American US Attorney General. According to Charles Gibson on ABC World News, two senior Democratic senators told ABC that they expect Holder to be confirmed.
“President-elect Obama has decided to tap Eric Holder as his attorney general, putting the veteran Washington lawyer in place to become the first African-American to head the Justice Department, according to two legal sources close to the presidential transition.” NEWSWEEK
:: Holder to be named attorney general »MSNBC
:: Barack Obama picks Eric Holder as first black attorney general »Weekly Telegraph - UK
►As we told you yesterday that he would, Lieberman has kept his chairmanship of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee but lost his chairmanship of the Environment and Public Works subcommittee, which is a minor post. This so ticks me off. Update: New movement - LOL- today is "International Laugh at Joe Lieberman Day".
“How about we make the rest of the calendar year International Grow Some Mother Fracking Balls Day, and deluge the rest of the Senate Democrats?” Jason Linkins
:: Much Joedo About Nothing »Relevant Rhino
:: Lieberman Keeps Committee Chair In Senate Vote »Huffpo
:: Senate Democrats allow Lieberman to go unpunished: We ‘feel good about what we did today.’ »Think Progress
:: Dean: Keeping Lieberman As Chairman Is Shrewd Move »Huffpo
►That "Hill woman" is leaving Fox News after her contract was not renewed. You may remember her as the woman who characterized the 'fist jab' of Michelle and Barack Obama as a "terrorist fist jab". Good riddance to a woman who made us cringe with her Palin-like behavior, even more unattractive in a reporter of news.
:: E.D. Hill To Leave Fox News Channel »Huffpo
►"If You Leak, You're Gone." John Podesta to staffers.
“Many of the major staff appointments so far - Rahm Emanuel as chief of staff, Greg Craig as White House counsel, the fact of the Clinton meeting, along with details about internal thinking on Gitmo and other subjects - have escaped whatever barriers the Obama team has set in place.” Marc Ambinder - The Atlantic
►WATCH:Nightline report on "Obama's 'Team of Rivals'" | Video
Obama takes a page from former President Lincoln's book.
►G.O.P. senators meet today to discuss sanctioning Ted Stevens, the senator from Alaska who is now a convicted felon-
“In their GOP conference meeting today, Senate Republicans punted “on the thorniest question – whether to formally expel Sen. Ted Stevens from their ranks.” Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) had planned to offer a resolution that read:” Think Progress
»Senate postpones vote on Ted Stevens »McClatchy
►More last minute manipulation by Bush administration, this time in regard to abortion.
“A last-minute Bush administration plan to grant sweeping new protections to health care providers who oppose abortion and other procedures on religious or moral grounds has provoked a torrent of objections, including a strenuous protest from the government agency that enforces job discrimination laws.” NYT
►ABC News reports that Clinton as SOS is now close to a done deal.
“It is not yet a done deal, but sources say both President-elect Obama and Sen. Clinton are increasingly optimistic that her assignment will happen.” Jake Tapper (abc news)