Politics for me has always been a love-hate affair. And, I have long ignored it.
However, when John McCain nominated a completely unqualified candidate to be his vice-president, I woke up. After all, there is really only one constitutional definition for the job of the veep, and that is to be the "replacement president", the go-to man/woman if the unthinkable were to happen and the president were unable to fulfill the duties of his/her office.
That said, can you see Sarah Palin as "THE President"? I think not, and that nomination scared the hell out of me. It also caused me to realize that we are all responsible for the candidates that are elected to public office in this country, and we all have an obligation to do what we can to influence those elections for the better.
So here I am, having blogged daily, all day, during the three months leading up to the election on another of my blogs, Inspire Emotion (much higher PR, and therefore more likely to have even a small influence in the blogging world), and now I find myself determined to continue, at least for now, to blog about politics, in hopes that eventually, I will be able to use this blog when needed to have an influence, to disseminate information, and to affect the political landscape even if in a very small way. I consider it my obligation as a citizen, and as a mom who wants my child to have the same freedoms that I grew up with.
Because of how I grew up, my political background, I come at this from a different point of view than the typical pol blog, as I have always viewed politics from both sides. And there are always two sides. I am not going to belabor the point, suffice to say that pols are also human beings, just like you and I, and most, if not all, seek to do the best possible job for their constituents. The problems arise most often when we elect the wrong people for the job, people who are either unqualified, too caught up only in their own agendas (religion comes to mind), or simply ignorant of or unwilling to learn from history.
Anyway, I encourage my readers to disagree with me, civility encouraged, and I hope that some of you will become guest authors on IPD.
All that said, this is now going on the IPD "About" page. Have a great, sublime, happy, Sunday!
PS............I will not be posting as much as usual during the next week or so, as I am getting ready for Thanksgiving. We are having two Thanksgiving dinners in our family, one on Thursday, and one on Saturday for out-of-towners, so I will be busy cooking and baking all week long. I hope that you enjoy your Thanksgiving! In fact, Happy Thanksgiving!.