►Joe Biden's longtime aide and friend, Edward Kaufman, has been named to replace him in the senate.
“Delaware Governor Ruth Ann Minner announced on Monday that she would name Mr. Kaufman, the senator’s chief of staff for 19 years and a close personal friend, to fill the vacancy through 2010. Mr. Kaufman, 69, said he intended to retire after two years, leaving opening the possibility that Senator Biden’s son Beau, the state’s attorney general, could run in 2010.”
►According to ABC News, Susan Rice will likely be Obama's UN Ambassador.
“ABC News has learned that Dr. Susan Rice has emerged as the leading candidate to be President-elect Obama's nominee as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.”
Jake Tapper - ABC News
►Obama announces economic team appointments - Obama has formally announced the appointments of Tim Geithner as Secretary of the Treasury, Larry Summers as Director of the National Economic Council, Christina Romer as Chair of the Council of Economic Advisors, and Melody Barnes as Chair of the Domestic Policy Counsel. ABC News, live. 12:10pm EST.
View the video and the transcript here.
:: Melody Barnes to Run Domestic Policy Council »Think Progress
:: Obama Introduces His Economic Team »HUFFPO
:: Obama announces economic team »Jake Tapper - ABC News
►Yet another big bail-out of a financial services company announced by President Bush this morning. Citicorp is the latest to be added to the taxpayer dole. On the plus side, the stock market reacted favorably to the announcement.
“Nov. 24 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. stocks climbed for a second day after the government said it will guarantee $306 billion of troubled Citigroup Inc. assets and Democratic lawmakers pledged to pass an economic stimulus package by January.”
:: Massive effort to rescue Citigroup »HUFFPO
:: Regulators approve a radical plan to help Citigroup »NYT
►P-E Obama has appointed Professor Christina Romer, of UC Berkeley, to Chair President Elect Obama's Council of Economic Advisers. Great choice, kudos to Obama.
“Romer wrote, if not the book, at least the chapter for Encyclopedia Britannica on the Great Depression [pdf].”
:: Obama names Romer to lead Council of Economic Advisors »NYT
:: Obama appoints Christina Romer »Jake Tapper - ABC News................................................................................................................
►Bronx burough president, Adolfo Carrion Jr., considered for cabinet appointment.
“Adolfo Carrión Jr., the Bronx borough president, is being considered for a senior position in the Obama administration, possibly as secretary of housing and urban development, people involved in the transition said on Saturday. Mr. Carrión was elected Bronx borough president in 2001 and re-elected in 2005. He is one of several prominent Hispanic officials reportedly under consideration for a cabinet post; Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico, who is considered the country’s most influential Hispanic politician, is a contender for secretary of commerce.”

>Daily Political News Round-Up - Monday, November 24, 2008
>Op-Ed: About Inspire Political Discourse
>It's Torture, Not "Coercion" and Euphemisms are Unacceptable
>Full Transcript and Video of President-elect Obama's Weekly Video Address to the Nation, November 22, 2008
>Video of President-elect Obama's Weekly Address to the Nation as He Promises to Take Action on the Economy Immediately Upon Taking Office
>Jon Stewart and the Somali Pirates