►Analysis: With bailout, McCain reaches dead end - Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Republican John McCain has maneuvered himself into a political dead end and has five weeks to find his way out.
Last Wednesday, McCain suspended his presidential campaign to insert himself into a $700 billion effort to rescue America's crumbling financial structure. In so doing, he tied himself far more tightly to the bill than did his Democratic opponent, Barack Obama.
Then, as the bailout plan appeared ready for passage Monday in the House, McCain bragged that he was an action-oriented Teddy Roosevelt Republican who did not sit on the sidelines at a moment of crisis. Continue reading here.
Inspire Note: See Intrade Electoral Vote Predictor.
- The Financial Crisis, McCain's Hypocrisy, and Random Thoughts
On the Brink: Dow Plunges on Fears House will Not Pass Bailout - ABC News
House Rejects Bailout Package, 228-205; Stocks Plunge - New York Times
House Opens Debate on Bailout Legislation
Bush: Congress Must Pass Bailout Bill
Fed Pumps Cash Into System as World Financial Markets Fall
Government Launches Fannie and Freddie Probe
ANALYSIS: Dr. Paulson's Tough Medicine, In a Pill the Public Can Swallow
Lawmakers Urge Action on Bailout
Text of President Bush's statement
Full Coverage: Turmoil on Wall Street